Thursday, April 19, 2012

on a side note:

When it comes down to it, I am glad that I look a wee bit crazy. I find this helpful actually, helps me maintain a sense of personal space in public transit, I can blend in nearly anywhere and I am perfectly comfortable sticking out. It just seems that much more ok when I silently sing to myself on adventures though town, and not so terrifying, for me at least, to talk to strangers anymore. 

see, crazy people just do what ever the fuck they want. which is why, I think, most people call them that. Pretty much anyone who decided to defy the social norm makes everyone else squirm a lil bit. It sure as hell made me squirm, a lot. That was until I just decided to go with it, say fuck it all I am gonna do what makes me happy. If I feel like blending in with the bums so be it, if I feel like being pretty thats easy too. All in all I feel like it comes down to the level of confidence that surrounds a person, it is incredibly easy to do as everyone else is doing, just to not draw attention, but that only lasts for so long and honestly takes way more effort than you realize. 

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